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Amelia RP is played by Bridie

Full Name: Princess Amelia Wil Tesla Seyruun
Nicknames: Justice Slinger, Princess Klutz
Sex: Oh dear, I hope you didn't ask Miss Lina this...
Age: 15
Blood Type: O
Race: Human
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 4'11
Weight: *blushes!* It's unjust to ask a girl that!
Specialities: Defender of JUSTICE!!; White Magic: Defensive/Healing; Shamanism: Spirit.
Hometown: Seyruun; The White Magical Capitol of the Continent!
Relatives: Crown Prince of Seyruun, Philionel (Father), Alfred(Cousin), Christopher and Randy (Uncles), and Naga the Serpant. (Rumored Estranged Elder Sister)

Amelia is the daughter of Philionel, Crown Prince of the kingdom of Seyruun. Like her doting father, Amelia is a self-proclaimed Champion of Justice and is singleminded in her quest for truth, honor, and dignity. Also like her father, she's a complete klutz (To defend the Princess, she DOES become more graceful with age) and has no clue of what IS and ISN'T a true cause for justice.

Amelia has trained since birth for her cause; once convinced, she isn't easily dissuaded from inflicting her particular flavor of justice on whoever she perceives to be an 'enemy of the people.'

Amelia is also a budding sorcerer in her own right. Her specialty is white magic, however she also has reached the highest level of training in Shamanist Spirit magic, a testament to her quick learning time and eagerness to learn. She has even developed a spell of her own, most notably the Visfarank spell, which seems to be the glowing manifestation of justice as a pair of boxing gloves... *sweatdrop*

Due to the rumored assassination of her mother when she was very young, Amelia carries no weapons and clings to her father very closely: Daddy's little girl.