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Zel RP is played by Rey

Zelgadiss Greywords
(I'm choosing this spelling to play him under, I realize there are other spellings however.)
(aka Zel, Rockboy, Stoneboy)
Blood Type: AB, but you'd have to cut through rock to get any out of him.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: Heavy enough to serve as an anchor.
Age: 19
Hair: Purple (only in anime...heh)
Eyes: Turquoise
Skills: Zelgadiss is skilled in both swordfighting and magic. His spells are mostly within but not limited to the spirit school of shamanism.

If you don't already know a little about Zel and the other characters on this page, then you're probably not a Slayers fan and are wondering where you've wandered into! But to sum up, Zelgadiss was once fully human, but there was this creepy Rezo guy who claimed to be his grandfather, and through some genetic weirdness also just happened to be his great grandfather as well. And the guy was priest too... he sure must have gotten around. Rezo might have once been a good priest who traveled around doing healings, but one of the seven fragments of the Dark Lord Shabranigdou was sealed into his eyes, rendering him blind since birth. When Shabranigdou began awakening Rezo took to dark experiments, and one of them was changing Zelgadiss into a chimaera, 1/3 human, 1/3 stone golem, and 1/3 blue daemon.
Despite the advantages of stone skin and a daemon's speed and agility, Zelgadiss was embittered by the experience and embarrassed of his appearance. (Nevermind that before he was changed he was seeking to become more powerful, faster and stronger and Rezo offered and gave him that, however cruelly.) Zelgadiss served Rezo for a while, then turned on him to join up with Lina, Gourry, and Amelia in destroying Shabranigdou, as well as Rezo and his kopii. Zelgadiss' ultimate goal is to find a way to undo Rezo's work and become human again, and he tends to be amoral and independant in the search. He has been willing to turn on the rest of the Slayers gang in the past for the sake of his search, although at the point where our roleplay begins he seems to have established a closer bond with them and is more likely to stand with them.
I'm playing Zelgadiss as closely as possible to what I see portrayed in the series, but I'm not a writer of the original anime, and I can't be expected to live up to the original. `_^ He may change and grow differently in this roleplay due to plot and circumstances. I hope he'll remain very much the Zelgadiss people know and love either way.